Saturday, March 2, 2013

Work your Heart off!

So today i feel compelled to write..This is for acknowledging the people who have inspired me and i will never forget them till the end of my life --

We pass by so many people everyday. Right from our family, neighbors, complete strangers, shopkeepers, colleagues and the list goes on. At the end of the day out of all strangers, do u remember anybody? Mostly no..sometimes yes. Some strangers just leave their mark on you. And i am not talking about the regular jerks because they aren't worth your attention even if they get a lot of it. I am talking about those people who inspire you. The ones who might be doing the most menial job with his/her full heart, integrity and with a smile. The ones who speak nicely to you no matter who you are. Its not just the money we work for, its the sense of achievement, the feeling of knowing you worked passionately and you did well, whether anybody commends you or not. You might have loads of money and not be happy, but you will definitely be a very very happy person if you work with your heart in it. 

Location : Madh Island, Mumbai
I have been lucky enough to be able to do what i love in my professional time as well as in my personal time. And boy how peaceful that feels at the end of the day! It doesn't matter what you have in life and what you don't. Because you will always want something in life and that will never end, which is alright. But that does not have to delay your peace and happiness. What you do and how you do it defines "You"! That is what you are and nobody in the world can take that away from you. I will never forget that security guard with a long long mustache at a hotel in Pune who directs the cars to the hotel's parking in the most entertaining way or the lift man in Switzerland operating a lift which was 45degrees inclined to ground level leading into the caves. He came out of the lift, welcomed us in and escorted us out of the lift and dropping us till where the caves started with the most charming personality, hospitality and the loveliest smile i have ever seen. Isn't it inspiring that he does the same thing for the entire day, everyday of his life so passionately? Isn't it amazing that you might be with a person just for a minute or two and he might inspire you for life?

Location : Madh Island, Mumbai
Earn your daily bread but what will bring you closer to yourself is doing what you love, loving what you do and doing it with integrity and loyalty. And also what is important is commend the people who do it. If they inspire you let them know. Give a smile and say Thank you! Not for their sake but for yours. You were inspired today and you will inspire someone in your own way. If every single human being does what they do with passion, can you imagine the quality of everyday lives everyone will live? Inspire and allow yourself to be inspired. Work your heart off! 

Location : Madh Island, Mumbai


SAM_1 said...

Was a goor read before bed... inspiring :)

Unknown said...

Wow!!inspired!!sheetu....ur going u!!:-)

isha said...

this is a beautiful post , every element is in synch :)